How much of your hard earned profits are going out the back door? Do your employees steal money, product or services, or are they just stealing by being paid for not doing their job? How much can you afford to lose? How deep are your pockets?
Palmer Investigative Services can assist you in doing a loss prevention assessment. Do you need to change some company policies? Do you need to tighten up on security? Would you like to know where the leaks are? Want to know what we can do to help you fix those leaks?
We can shop your business to see what the customers see.
We can design a plan to hire better people and avoid the problem ones.
We can put someone to work undercover to really find out who is doing what.
We can help you design a plan to stop employee theft.
We never charge for an initial consultation. Sit down with us and let us talk about how we can help you.
At the very least, you will walk away with some new ideas that you have not thought of on your own.